5 Ways to Transform your Lawn this Spring
As the first signs of life start to emerge after a long winter, your lawn is sure to be in need of a little TLC. But creating a beautifully landscaped lawn takes more than hard work and good luck. You'll need to lay the groundwork now for the lawn to blossom in the summer. Here are five ways to transform your lawn this Spring.
Fall 2021 The Best Selection Around
Fall is one of our favorite times of year at Holod’s! The autumnal colors of pumpkins, mums, and fall flowers bring new life to our nursery. Customers have been telling us this year that the pumpkin & mum selection at other local stores have been pretty limited. This is not the case for us, we’ve been using some of the same great vendors for the last 40 years. They always give us the largest selection first! Take a look at some of the photos that we’ve been taking over the last few weeks to see our updated inventory.
Heavy Equipment Repair & Maintenance
Commercial clients can bring their heavy machines for maintenance and repair. We also offer pickup and drop off