Smart Summer Watering Techniques for Homeowners: Keep Your Garden Thriving
With the scorching heat of summer approaching, maintaining a lush and healthy garden can be a challenge. Proper watering is crucial during this time to ensure your plants survive and thrive. In this blog post, we'll explore some smart summer watering techniques that will not only save water but also promote the overall health of your garden. Let's dive in!
5 Ways to Transform your Lawn this Spring
As the first signs of life start to emerge after a long winter, your lawn is sure to be in need of a little TLC. But creating a beautifully landscaped lawn takes more than hard work and good luck. You'll need to lay the groundwork now for the lawn to blossom in the summer. Here are five ways to transform your lawn this Spring.
Dealing With Dead Patches in the Lawn
No one likes the look of dead patches in their lawn, so when faced with dead patches most people reach for their bag of grass seed and hope that by some miracle, sprinkling some seeds over the dead grass will be enough to solve the problem. Unfortunately in most cases, this isn’t enough to rejuvenate the dead patch of grass.