Smart Summer Watering Techniques for Homeowners: Keep Your Garden Thriving
With the scorching heat of summer approaching, maintaining a lush and healthy garden can be a challenge. Proper watering is crucial during this time to ensure your plants survive and thrive. In this blog post, we'll explore some smart summer watering techniques that will not only save water but also promote the overall health of your garden. Let's dive in!
Insecticides and Herbicides: How, When and Where to Use Them
Spring is coming and many of us are looking forward to green yards, lush flower gardens and the vegetables for our tables. Gardening is a balance between beneficial plants and those that feed on what we grow to view and eat. Herbicides, insecticides and broad-scale pesticides are there for a very good reason: They're created to keep our plants healthy and available for our use, but they can cause havoc on our land.