Fall 2021 The Best Selection Around
Fall is one of our favorite times of year at Holod’s! The autumnal colors of pumpkins, mums, and fall flowers bring new life to our nursery. Customers have been telling us this year that the pumpkin & mum selection at other local stores have been pretty limited. This is not the case for us, we’ve been using some of the same great vendors for the last 40 years. They always give us the largest selection first! Take a look at some of the photos that we’ve been taking over the last few weeks to see our updated inventory.
Tips to Protect Your Home and Property during Flood Season
You may have noticed extreme weather is more common these days, and storms are getting worse with every passing year. Properties that never flooded before are now underwater, and homeowners who never thought they could face flooding are now bailing out their basements and trying to salvage their possessions.
Dealing With Dead Patches in the Lawn
No one likes the look of dead patches in their lawn, so when faced with dead patches most people reach for their bag of grass seed and hope that by some miracle, sprinkling some seeds over the dead grass will be enough to solve the problem. Unfortunately in most cases, this isn’t enough to rejuvenate the dead patch of grass.
Virtual Shopping Experience
Take a walk through our garden center with one of our customers as they shop and browse looking for the perfect tree. It ended up being a Smoke Tree, something you'll have a hard time finding at other stores.
Spring 2021 Update: We’re in Full Bloom
Spring is here and we’re busier than ever! Everyday we have trucks dropping off loads of mulch, dirt and stones along with our garden vendors dropping some truly exquisite trees, flowers, plants and shrubs. Click to see our full inventory.
The 3 Essential Steps for Getting Your Deck or Patio Ready for the Summer
Especially if you need to stay at home for health-related reasons, you might be looking for ways to pass the time, and getting your deck or patio ready for the summer is a great way to do it. We all want to have a relaxing and beautiful retreat that we can enter simply by walking out the back door. So you should take a look at some of the top projects that you should put on your to-do list.
Winter Weather Essentials
We’ve been getting a LOT of questions about snowblowers, sleds, ice melt and shovels. More and more it’s seeming like we’re to only ones that have all of these items in stock. We wanted to put all information about these items on one page so you know what we have before you come by and as always give us a call if you have questions
Choosing the Proper Container for Your Potted Plants
When trying to decide on which container would be best for your potted plants, there are a few things to consider. The most important of these things include the size of the pot, the materials the pot is made of, where the pot is to be used and whether the pot has adequate drainage. Keeping these things in mind as you search for the perfect container will help to improve the health and growth of your potted plants for years to come.
How to Clean your Houseplants
Every so often, houseplants become noticeably dusty and need to be cleaned. The best method for cleaning them, however, varies based on the type of plant. If you'd like to clean a dusty houseplant, check if your plant matches one of the descriptions listed below and if so, clean it using the corresponding advice.
It’s the Holod Days Season
We’re all stocked up with decorations for the upcoming holiday season! Our Christmas tree lot is filled with trees of all sizes and species.